Employment Opportunities

Christian Healthcare Centers is a religious 501(c)(3) not-for-profit direct primary care organization seeking dedicated Christian individuals to join our distinctive faith-based healthcare organization headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Center is dedicated to providing patient-focused healthcare through an interdisciplinary team. CHC clinicians provide services as a collaborative team of Christian medical professionals focused on the whole person – physical, spiritual, and mental wellness – in accordance with the teachings, principles, and guidelines of historic biblical Christianity.

Open Positions

We welcome resumes from individuals in the medical field. Our open positions are listed below, but we’re happy to receive and consider resumes from qualified people interested in working with us even if there’s no matching position open. We are a growing organization, so positions are created and open up frequently. Please feel free to send us your resume and information to info@chcenters.org.

Hiring for all locations:
Grand Rapids, Newaygo, & Holland
(Positions for Holland begin March/April 2025)

Apply Now

Compensation and benefits are competitive with national and regional standards. Employees are required to affirm on an annual basis, the organization’s Statement of Faith, Statement of Marriage and Human Sexuality, the Philosophy of Wellness and Healthcare, Values Declaration, and Code of Conduct. Interested applicants should send a current resume or CV with a cover letter to the attention of Mark Blocher, CEO, at info@chcenters.org.